Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It is a new day - We want to help you

What are you doing now that change has come?

Make It Happen Consulting is now extending a invitation to all potential business owner, current business owners, brides/grooms, and others that are looking for ways to use their talents.

If you contact us by January 28, 2009 we will give you a free gift that will help towards your goals as a business owner or new bride.

We are here to help make your dreams a reality.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Use Your Creativity

So far it has been a productive year for our firm.

We have decided to use our gifts more and really create a environment that helps us and our clients thrive. The one main thing we have started to do is utilize multiple ways to promote the firm.

For instance
Free gifts (yes bride we are giving away free planners)
Business cards
Donating to events throughout the area

With these different avenues we have been able to use our creative side to design and circulate infomation to necessary locations.

It is no fun to be in business and not use your gifts to go a step farther.

Come one everyone Create!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Cross Marketing

In todays economy everyone is looking for new ways to get customers. Some people have established new services (Make It Happen Consulting is now offering wedding coordinating services), relocating, or expanding the way they network.

Another idea that not that many people have been utilizing is cross marketing. It is good to have a power team in place for the products and services your company needs but cross marketing is having the preferred vendors or individuals you network with have you as the primary referral. It is simply finding companies with products and services that complement yours and work with them to promote their offerings and yours simultaneously

For instance, if you are a graphic designer the printer that you utilize for all your needs would also be the company to promote your services to customers.

Who are you cross marketing with?

If you have not thought of the concept it is another creative way to increase sales and not expenses.

What do you think?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Celebrate and Move Forward

Happy New Year

This is a new year which many people take as a new beginning. Everyone is setting resolutions and trying to make decisions so they can be the person in their dreams.

While you are planning on what goals you want to pursue be sure to think about who you are and your passions. It is only when you work in passion that things work perfectly.

We would love to hear some of your goals and aspirations.

This year will be what you make of it.

Start your business
Plan your dream wedding
Write that book
Organize your finances
Volunteer in the community

Live in your passion today